This site is still being built! Check back later for game servers!

Why Choose Us
Top End Hardware

We run our servers by using only the top of the line hardware, giving massivesingle core and multithreaded performance

Automate your Server

With Custom scripts written to one click manage your servers, you can spend your time having fun rather than stressing over changes.

Premium Features

What comes standard with our servers usually costs more with others! See the comparison chart below for additional information.

No Player Slot Limits
You can freely adjust the amount of player slots you want on your server with no extra cost.
SFTP / File Manager Access

Easily connect from your panel to your game server using your favorite FTP client, or use the in-built file manager to access and edit your files with ease.

Many Help Articles

Never ran a server before? No problem! We have many help guides to get your server setup, including how to 

Discord Bot Hosting

Starting at $1.99

Coming Soon!


Starting at $6.99

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Starting at $14.99 for 4 GB

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Starting at $11.99

Coming Soon!


Starting at $12.99

Coming Soon!